Tuesday, August 19, 2008

because i like the way it sounds.

wine and pajamas.

it just rolled off the tongue and onto the keyboard.

no rhyme (sorry snoop dog).

no reason (sorry aristotle).

i do like wine, though, but i like grasshoppers more...and water scores higher than both.

as for bedtime, i indeed fancy a silly pair of footied pj's, but my skin prefers silky whatnots.

it's all about random here.

hello, world.


Anonymous said...

Sounds good to me! The weather is turning chilly here, so footed PJs sound absolutely delightful. And the wine . . . already on that one!

katya said...

okay, randy, somehow you made wine and pj's sound much better than it had previously. *gets snuggly*

laanba said...

I look forward to this since you are such an excellent writer and an interesting person. And the organic names are the best. I've done it both ways and have been much happier with name that just appeared.

Joel said...

Howdy, m'dear.

katya said...

thank you, laurie! i'm not sure this blog is really going to showcase the writing, but you never know how things will morph. it's just inteneded to be a hodge-podge of links, quick thoughts and, every-so-often, photos. and, agreed! organic is best.

howdy, joel! nice of you to stop by.

portseye said...

...I will follow you where ever she may go...

My fingers are weary...and at my age.

Next stop on the Katya/Clutter express. All Aboard!